私货乐谱 (第1/2页)


《Revelation saints slumbered place》

At first I stubbornly thinking

Human beings are born to die or wonder

Buried easily all dream and ideal

Holding high the banners of interests and wealth

What can you get ?

The world is sorrowfully

Like a cradle full of suffering

Even bending down and praying

Spit soul out

Gods won't look at you more

Clockwork orange, they speak

【I never imagined that our society would be flooded with such machinery.】

Swamp men, they cried

【Why so difficult to bee a plete human being?】

Also i pray it?

We always do useless things over and over again

Deceive ourselves with false illusion

Look, the biggest lie

Tomorrow will be better

【Just like hope.】

But we never had future

It's like time is suspended

We can't move in that place

Unable to move forward

Can no





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其他类型相关阅读: 火影:以时间之名,威震忍界! 深吻 学霸的军工科研系统 被疯批NPC盯上后,我直接拿捏 谍战从潜入满铁当小乘警开始 破案那些事 末世:建立红警基地,囤物资百万 天灾降临:我在副本里捡破烂 狐妖之空间观影 阴生女,龙皇妻 快穿之愿羽君老 狼人杀:预言家,我要你有何用? 第四天灾:在末世重建文明 精灵入侵:我直播科普宝可梦 漫威里的假面骑士编年史 开局一家店,我在末世躺赢了 网游:论一个合格悍匪的修养 鬼灭之刃之冰莲怒放 我降临于诸天世界 惊悚:我是地域判官